The final rounds of Peninsula Matchplay were played on Monday 13 May at Sorrento and Cerberus, and our thanks to both clubs for providing their courses.
Division 1 was held at Sorrento in beautiful weather conditions. After a very exciting and close finish Moonah Links were able to beat Sorrento by 1 game to win the flag. The second year in a row for Moonah – a formidable team.
Cerberus GC hosted both Divisions 2 and 3 in good weather, with tight competition in both divisions. The Dunes won their match in Division 2 to keep them at the top of the ladder and take the flag, and Mt Martha’s win against Mornington 2 took them to the top of the ladder and the flag.
The competition was again very popular among our clubs and players, and we thank all participating clubs and teams for taking part and providing their courses.
Congratulations to all who played, their caddies and managers for organising.